We Are War Rock's Lost Heroes

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We Are War Rock's Lost Heroes

We Are War Rock's Lost Heroes - Registration Agreement Terms

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Forum rules are as follows:No more than 1 account per IP address. More than one will result in a warning and the secondary account to be removed. To change your display name please go hereNo abuse whatsoever is to be used when complaining.Be polite to other members, guests, moderators and administators.This Sites is for only-Warrock and not to be asorcated with any other games, if this happends actions will be taken after warnings are egnoredThese forums are english language only. Please post in english as none english posts will be deleted and the respective member warned.NO bumping topics. If an administarator or moderator deems necessary a topic may be bumped by them.We are here to help, but accept no responsibility for damage or loss due to any advice given.If you have any suggestions or help that will improve our board please feel free to post in the relevant forum.Moderator and administrator positions are now strictly invite only!Please post as often as possible, but in a constructive way.NO swearing whatsoever.Keep your signature a reasonable size. If a moderator sees fit, it will be removed and a warning issued. Avatars are also covered by this rule. Approximate sizes are 110x110 for avatars and 500x110 for signaturesNo constant advertisement of other sites.Spamming is forbidden and accounts associated with spammming will be immediatly banned.Display names may be changed once in 30 daysPasswords for respective forums will be given only. requests will be denied.*Rules can be changed at any time without prior warning!*